Thursday, 18 September 2008

Here comes the sun - and the tent and the wine that looks like piss and the spiders...

End of the Road Festival 2008

  • Ruddy ace - got back on Monday after a few days of glorious grubbiness. Well, partial grubbiness because I admit I DID wash my hair every morning. That was also to get rid of all the money spiders that no doubt crept in overnight.
  • Only one day of rain and I caught the sun on Sunday so now I have two bibs of brown skin on the front and back of my neck. HOT.
  • The fairylights tunnel in the woods again delighted me to a ridiculous degree. To be copied at any opportunity - parties, weddings, barmitzvahs etc
  • It was sad coming back to the metropolis. Although I do love it here, I also wish it was cleaner and brighter and less busy and that I could have a dog to walk. One of the acts had his Collie with him and I saw him walk her alongside the camping field. THAT'S a good life - being able to play your music to a welcoming audience and take your dog with you wherever you go.
  • On the last morning Sophia and I had a fair bit of leftover food supplies to get through and we needed some Hot Stodge so we bought some veg sausage mix from the on-site, overpriced organic supply shop, added some remaining red wine and olives and fried the squidgy stuff in butter over the smallest but most welcome camping stove in the world.

Here are some pictures to reveal progress:

Sophia and the initial mixing of the slop

I am unimpressed and unclean

The End Result - surprisingly good, despite appearances.
NB after the above we also ate couscous and half a fried egg each.
The End.

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